Developed by Charles G. Fleming and Ann M. Kleinschmidt (,, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA 16335.
Discipline: Biology
This application is designed to help students understand the laboratory experiment in which they analyze Neurospora cultures that contain mutations in the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of arginine. The application contains a simulation of the accumulation of intermediates in cells that contain mutations in an enzyme of a biosynthetic pathway. The application also contains simulated experiments in which "mutations" are made in genes coding for enzymes in a hypothetical biosynthetic pathway. The students carry out a simulated experiment and are then asked to order the mutations along the biosynthetic pathway.
Bio210Lab9 is used as a pre-lab exercise for Introductory Biology at Allegheny College.
This application was developed under NeXTstep release 2.0.